MAY 10, 2015 - MOTHER'S DAY - 1 pm
Our 9th year of Standing Women worldwide

Please join us at, and pass on the invitation!
Stand with women all over the world on Sunday May 10, 2015, 1 pm local time

In 5 minutes of silence to anchor the vision: a world alive with love and possibility
for every child.

Tell us where you will stand.
Share the changes you see that are making our vision real
See where others will be standing.

It is 9 years since we began consciously evoking this dream and setting this intention for the human family...a world where every child's potential is received and nurtured. This is a collective vision that is at once centuries old and very contemporary, rooted in every mother's feeling for her child. It is the human longing that reaches beyond the problems into new possibilities, and sets the stage for change.

Now imagine taking a step beyond envisioning. Imagine the power of celebrating all that is emerging in the direction of our dream... every small step a confirmation to our souls...

In the midst of all the old systems that are breaking down or visibly showing their horrific colors, let us see the good springing forth and begin to know the power of our vision. For behind that vision is the power of Love for the Whole child, and for the Whole planet that births and nurtures them.

Please join us on Sunday May 10, 2015 at 1 pm local time for 5 minutes of silence and global unity, inviting ourselves to know the Truth of the good that is emerging, to substantiate our dream with this knowing, to stand more firmly aligned with the dream in our own lives.

Post your standing, share the good you see, confirm the vision
...and play it forward!

Blessings on each and all,
The Standing Women Team at LightPages
With gratitude for Sharon Mehdi and the women of Ohio who heard the original call