Bridge Across Consciousness
"To The One the soul must return: it is the law embedded in its ontological structure." Elmer O'Brien, S.J., translator
The Essential Plotinus - Translated by Elmer O'Brien, S.J.

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27 messages online

No Date Subject From
1 8/17/11 Science and Weight Loss Teleseminar Sept.14th Patricia B.
"I continue to lose weight (120 lbs as of now) and to recommend your work to friends and acquaintances. I'm so pleased your work continues to be available to the general public. It is unlike any other weight loss program and I feel you made an immeasurable contribution to my life and health." -FFF Participant Dear Friends, Fall is approaching and once again it's another season of opportu . . . [More]
2 3/10/08 Science and Religion Bruce S.
Good morning. Just wanted to pass along a few thoughts on this theme. In particular -- thank you, Nisa, for your private emails. I was fascinated to see your "" email address, and your reference to Bell Labs. Back in the day, Bell Labs was a kind of glistening ideal in my dreams, and I had fantasies about doing research and development at that level. I suppose that ideal has . . . [More]
3 3/8/08 Tree vs. Net Bruce S.
Dear Nisa -- Thanks for your encouraging comments and presence here. You say
For a long time, I have been feeling that underneath all I do, I have an inspiration to "unite Science and Religion". As you say it is a huge undertaking and throughout history it had been more of a dream of the Greats than a reality. So, part of me feels silly for even thinking this. . . . [More]
4 3/8/08 Tree vs. Net Nisa K.
Dear Bruce: For a long time, I have been feeling that underneath all I do, I have an inspiration to "unite Science and Religion". As you say it is a huge undertaking and throughout history it had been more of a dream of the Greats than a reality. So, part of me feels silly for even thinking this. You are describing your thoughts towards this very effectively and beautifully. I c . . . [More]
5 3/5/08 Tree vs. Net Bruce S.
Good morning. It looks like this epistemology/cognitive science study is emerging as a daily part of my life. It's exciting; this is a subject to which I gave many years, and these new tools and possibilities, and some kind of "convergence", seems to be making all of this more feasible than it ever was before. Where this is headed, I think -- is towards what I am now tending to call "Th . . . [More]
6 3/2/08 Forum on Conceptual Structure Bruce S.
Hi. Happy Sunday afternoon. Just want to mention that I received a very interesting reply from Pat Kinsella, regarding the hierarchical structure of cognition (etc.) -- and I have taken the liberty of adding him to this new Forum on Conceptual Structure. The idea there -- is to create a strictly technical discussion, that looks at these questions in a hard-edged and computer scien . . . [More]
7 2/29/08 The Great Chain of Being Bruce S.
Was just checking in here, and saw this quote:
"Plotinus and the Neoplatonic tradition saw the universe as a chain of being extending from the One, and the One was not only supreme ineffable Reality but also supreme Beauty known in ecstasy." Theosophy, A Modern Expression of the Wisdom of the Ages - Robert Ellwood
This simple traditional statement, grou . . . [More]
8 2/29/08 Babel Bruce S.
It's amazing how this picture of the Tower of Babel unfolds like a scientific dawing of semantic decomposition. This thing is like a 3-dimensional view of a mandala, with its internal layers exposed.
9 2/29/08 Forum on Conceptual Structure Bruce S.
This morning, I was beginning to assemble an initial library of essential readings, probably all taken from Wikipedia -- on a few core themes, such as taxonomy, ontology and semantics. And then, it just so happened that I got an email message from a Computer Science professional at a university, who had read a paper I wrote (years ago), and who found it interesting ([More]
10 2/28/08 Spirit, Science and the System Bruce S.
Just wanted to add a few comments on this theme introduced by the AGNT conference flyer for 2008. The phrase -- "The Evolution of Revolution" -- and then "Shining Dawn's Early Light on Spirit, Science, and the System" -- I love that. It's great. Maybe some of you know that Barbara Fields is the Executive Director of AGNT -- and it was Barbara, way back in 1995, who created the name f . . . [More]

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