The Interspirit Foundation Go to your Light Center
"Mathematics is the archetype of the beauty of the world." Johannes Kepler (1571-1630), quoted by Werner Heisenberg in 'Science and the Beautiful'
Quantum Questions, Mystical Writings of the World's Great Physicists - Ken Wilber, editor

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Sabine B.

Cologne, NRW,
Germany 50931

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Global Resonance Network
The Interspirit Foundation

The resurrection of our inborn spirit and spirituality is my deepest longing for. It hurts me, how the infinite beauty of nature and humanity is covered by unawareness and insane thoughts and behaviour. Our best medicine is sharing and living the faith and the vision, that every single human being as well as the whole humanity can awake to our true divine nature.

education and healing: coming back to wholeness / holyness / health

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