Standing Women Go to your Light Center

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James S.

Santa Barbara, California,
United States 93111

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Additional information available CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION - SANTA BARBARA
Standing Women


Since I was a boy, I have experienced prescience insights and dreams, and glimpses of a light and love that holds all, and always had a sense that most others were unaware of and uninterested in these things. I went on to explore the cultivation of these natural gifts of life.

Through the experience of the nature of a universal knowingness, it is clear to me that all things are affecting us. It follows that we are affecting all there is by our thoughts and actions. This is the foundation of true action; knowing that we are communicating with, and altering, the consciousness of every being with each step we take along our path.

Becoming aware of our thinking and effectively transforming our occurring world by actively aligning with the elements of the future our visioning can set in motion within Quantum Consciousness. Co-incidence is what we call it when we do not recognize that we are the source of the magnetic thoughts attracting and repelling the conditions we experience.

We can generate synchronicity using effective tools of the heart and mind.

I welcome all that we can co-create on this journey of Conscious Evolution.

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