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"We can become deified. We do not become totally human until we become partly divine. God became man, as St. Athanasius said, so that man might become God. It is God (who is love, and love is diffusive) who takes the initiative, unites himself to us, keeps us alive by his creative and attentive presence, and with no violence, but with the gentle fury of an irrepressible and invincible love, touches us where we are most free."
The Human Adventure, Contemplation for Everyman - William McNamara, O.C.D.

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SĀ“ace G.

castricum, noord holland,
Netherlands 1901 KD

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in 2006 i became a bivid, a sortr of a new wor(l)d that catalyzes my personal meaning for the existence to guide my response to life; in the first week of januar 2007 this pivoted to the word bioVoid.

Again the word bioVoid has no meaning however invites me to receive energy and get meaning from the messenger in order to understand what happened on the blank sheet.

bio :: represents the sensoric realm / quantum / field V oid :: represents the telepathic realm / quantum / field

"bio" aligns to the Father, understanding this as the Masculine Principle - the Yang Hemisphere / principle

"oid" aligns to the Mother, understanding this as the Feminine Principle - the Yin Hemisphere / principle

V aligns to the Child: "the Child First" said my friend Antonio these days ... Again, understanding this is famly life for the Childs need for a Dynamic Field in especially th first 4 years (0-3) of existence - when the child lives in the Family-Womb. To this THoughT is aligned the idea that Each Day / Week / Moon / Year / Leap / etc. Cycle has an End and a New Beginning, a Blank Sheet for Listening ...

My Dream
well - i selected a photo that imagines a dream - is it a magician or a white whirlwind transforming the whole to the peace and ease we actually are ... willing to express ... day by day i experience this dream with YaniQ a wonderful woman that came into my Life and she is some how attracted to the crypts i encrypt & decrypt as if i am ... breathing ... with anyone else - why not - we can try to find our mutual fields too ...

The Human Being and The Fruit of the Human Being - which brought me to the interestfield of time and how we exchange energy & information. Language and the Language of (Y)our time is impulsing my body which catalyzes my understanding for the beauty of my catalyzing body and the development of my mutual educated mind, my "mem", my germ-principle that simply makes me a "mem-bare" / member. i web-master some blogs ... http://interdependenteconomy.blogspot.com/ http://integraldemocracy.blogspot.com/ http://preparingpeople.blogspot.com/


In winter (sphere: tori amos lyrics) 1990/1991 i wrote a trilogy on the theme "has everything been said?" by NRC TradesPaper (dutch: NRC Handelsblad) organized and facilitated ESSAY competition for writers a/mused to sign on that by partaking ...

I remember i wrote it on the alias Mr & Mrs KnowBody ... as i see it by now i was testing my objective being as a planetary agent ... honeybeeing for some spices ...

HummingBird - Humming aBoard ;-)


The Trilogy?

well, the 1st part was about a mass decision taking event we often refer at as elections :: i offered another way of doing that in the sphere were thinkers co-operate on the thematic ... ; at first i thought it was about reorganizing your own mind as a voter - later many other motives came across that seemed even better to communicate with my fellow human(s)

2nd part was about another way of pulsing toward a government-team without setting too much tension on a "power lead" from the start - which happens when the one with the most values sampled is having the only project that leads to a good team over governors that all have the/some trust of the people too ... Say, i offer here after the event for selecting our most popular leaders - a field where at least 3 teams as a project focus on there teamspirit in order to present a plan with the neede coherence for that time ... Strictly in a schedule this leads in 13 weeks for an election day for a government out of the given 3-5 (i suppose that is still reasonable)

The 3th part of that trilogy was about me playing a sort of co-referate with my queen in the means of how to play life in an esteem with very much trust upon one another respecting the good effort while playing that ...

;-) Y our'S'ace

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