Spirit of the World Go to your Light Center
"Every man is your neighbor. In being king, beggar, scholar, rich man, poor man, male, female, etc., we do not resemble each other – therein we are all different. But in being a neighbour we are all unconditionally like each other."
Works of Love - Soren Kierkegaard

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Jonathan S.

Eugene, Oregon,
United States 97405

LightPage networks I participate in
Additional information available Global Resonance Network
Spirit of Democracy
Dharma Healing International
Love Radiance Intention
Spirit of the World
Transpartisan Alliance

I am a soul who is gradually awakening moment by moment to the remembrance of who I am and why I am here on earth at this time...

I am cultivating a relationship with the Divine spark of light within my heart and soul...

I appreciate the childlike sense of wonder, awe and reverence for the Great Mystery and the beauty that is inside and all around us...

I am a poetic mystic, a dreamer awakening within the dream, someone who believes in the power of imagination, and the importance of following one's intuitive guidance from within...

I am a heart-centered person who likes communicating from the heart...

I am here to discover and give of my gifts/talents and support and inspire others in discovering what they have to give as a contribution to the world...

I am here to meet and connect with interesting creative inspiring imaginative people who are part of the global awakening and shift in consciousness happening all over the planet...

My Dream
To awaken from the dream...and assist others in awakening too.

love, peace, compassion, beauty, harmony, cooperation, present moment, awareness, gratitude, kindness, acceptance, freedom, wisdom, a quiet mind, inspiration, imagination, intuition, enlightenment, Self-realization, spirituality, health, healing, healing music, sound healing, transpersonal psychology, ageless wisdom, mysticism, yoga, divinity, nature, poetry, humor and laughter, artistic and creative expression, body-mind-spirit connection, video production, watching movies, communicating from the heart, networking, sacred masculine/feminine balance, personal and planetary healing and transformation, evolution of consciousness, eastern philosophy/practices, tarot, kabbalah, gnosis,

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