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Welcome! Please join our community to build a field of unity that will nurture the earth's waters!

William W.

Edgartown, Massachusetts,
United States

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William Waterway Marks (see: resume' at IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0548986/) is an award-winning water author, poet, publisher, and Native American flute artist, who was raised on an organic farm. His water research has been featured by CNN; MSNBC; MVTV; CBS; NBC; ABC; NPR; UPI; AP; New York Times; the Water Encyclopedia; Alternet; Care2.com; MaximsNews; National Geographic; Avalon Magazine; Science of Mind, and several documentary films, including FLOW (For Love Of Water). He is the former owner/director of a state-certified water testing laboratory; founder of Vineyard Environmental Research, Inst.; founding publisher of Martha’s Vineyard Magazine and Nantucket Magazine; author of, "The History of Wind Power on Martha’s Vineyard;" "The Holy Order of Water, Healing Earth’s Waters and Ourselves;" and publisher of the United Nations’ affiliated, "Water Voices from Around The World." William’s water research has taken to over 15 countries, as well as a 7,500 zigzagging horseback trek across America called, “RIDE FOR NATURE,” where he lived outside full-time for almost two years.



What is your practice for blessing our water?
Each and every time I enter the body of water anywhere on Earth - I say "thank you" for water's gift of life and for it's loving embrace. Each time before I drink water - I say "thank you" for the water's life-giving energy that is about to enter my body and flow like a river through my internal water world. Each time I see a beautiful sky - in all its colors and majesty - I say "thank you" to water for the gift of sight and for creating such a wonder-filled vision. As I walk and past time through this water world - I give thanks for all the life forms that greet me and have become manifest through the creative energies of water.

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