The Interspirit Foundation Go to your Light Center
"Deep within us all there is an amazing inner sanctuary of the soul, a holy place, a Divine Center, a speaking Voice, to which we may continuously return." Thomas Kelly (1893-1941), American teacher of philosophy
Devotional Classics - Richard J. Foster and James Bryan Smith, editors

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Nina C.

Santa Barbara, California,
United States 93109

LightPage networks I participate in
Conscious Evolution - Santa Barbara
Global Resonance Network
Additional information available Gather the Women Global Matrix
Evolutionary Women
Santa Barbara Global Village
Global Family
Women's Millionaire Network
GTW Global Matrix: Southern California
Spirit of the World

As a relatively new member of the C.E. Community, and a serious introvert, I am seeking just that, a "community," not just of like-minded folks, but persons seeking to live in conscious,loving harmony with others. I know this will not be easy for me, for after being in company for a while, I want to run off to the dark seclusion of my cave.

My "voice," up to now, has been through my writing and painting (I am in love with words and graphic images); now I want to learn to use my vocal cords and give sound to my words in the company of people who have the patience and loving respect to listen. I am a good listener and am interested in hearing all the diverse voices of my new community and bear witness to their souls' needs.

My Dream
My dream is that every child will have the love, the nurturing and education, the enriching space in which to develop her or his fascination, wherever that might lead; that each individual might live in an area that is clean and comfortable, with clean water, pleasant surroundings with access to nature, the arts, beauty, opportunity to explore and to create. It is possible.

The Arts: visual arts (painting, sculpture, architecture); literature;mythology, psychology, astronomy, cosmology, animals, plants, insects -- varieties of entities that share with us this amazing essence we call "Life."

Cosmology: astronomy and the nature of the Cosmos, as well as the study of humankind and our place in the Cosmos

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