Spirit of the World Go to your Light Center
"This oneness IS and always has been."
The Manifold and The One - Agnes Arber

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Ron R.

Santa Barbara, California,
United States

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The Interspirit Foundation
Additional information available Santa Barbara Global Village
Dawn's Early Light

I'm currently a doctoral student at UCSB. My field is social brain neuroscience. I have been interested in the study of consciousness and the nexus between science and spirituality for a long time. I finished a doctoral program in Transformative Learning and Change at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), where I also taught courses in Embodied Mathematics and Cultural Consciousness and Cognition.

I am very interested in social justice and blog for the Huffington Post, where I have also written about the hyper-individualistic interpretations of spiritual truths and traditions, which have distorted inter-group and inter-personal relations, and the quest for true equity and justice.

I believe that spiritual practice is relational and have found an African proverb that best reflects this ethos for me: "We are, therefore, I am, and since I am, therefore we are."

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