The Interspirit Foundation Go to your Light Center
"Millions of infinitesimal cells, each embodying a life, each in a condition of constant activity, and each repulsing other cells so as to preserve individuality or identity, yet each held to each by a central attractive force. Thus…the objective form of a crystal, a vegetable, an animal, a man, a planet, a system."
A Treatise on Cosmic Fire - Alice A. Bailey

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Jesse W.

Santa Barbara, California,
United States

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Additional information available Conscious Evolution - Santa Barbara
Gather the Women Global Matrix
Imagine the Good

My Dream
School for Wonder: Founded in 1987 the School For Wonder is located in Santa Barbara, CA and Santa Fe, New Mexico. We are cultivating courage, self awareness and personal development by providing mentoring services, certification programs, audio recordings, publications, collaborative retreats and community leadership.

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