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Beth J.

Scottsdale, Arizona,
United States

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Additional information available GATHER THE WOMEN GLOBAL MATRIX

author, activist, gardener of the soul. I'm passionate about gathering the women of the world to create a new worldview. My work has been to discover what Mother Nature reveals to take us to this next stage of human evolution. For over 25 years I've known that women will lead the way.


I have known that women will lead the way to this next step in humanity's evolutionary Journey.

My emphasis is focused on Why Women? Why Now? Because of the incredible inner journey taken by women from around the world, we know that we are all connected. We also know that love is the answer.

The challenge is to share/organize/lead/ women to see this grand opporunity to chart the course to a new worldview.


What are my lifetime skills and experiences?
Mother, Educator, Scholar Bachelor's, Masters, PhD Legislator Executive: Cabinet Secretary leading the Department of Commerce in Utah and in Arizona State Government, CEO, Leadership 2000 CEO, The Farsightgroup, Author: Breakpoint and Beyond, Mastering the Future Today, Harper Collins, 1998, now available through Amazon. Author: You Can Change Your Life by Changing Your Mind, only available by calling 480- 296-2048 or email Political Activits, Passionate Pro Choice advocate Community Organizer Gardener

What is the call in my heart?
Why Women? Why Now? For over 25 years, I've known that women will lead the way to this next step in human evolution. The present worlview cannot be sustained. A new worldview is emerging. In our writings, we call it the Creative Worldview which is a well developed concept available in Breakpoint and Beyond, Mastering the Future ture Today, available through Amazon. A new book is emerging within me, entitled Why Women? Why Now? I'm so excited to have discovered the Women Global Matrix. It is one of those times when the sudent is ready and the teacher appeared.

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