Global Resonance Network From: Bruce Schuman
Date: Wednesday, September 19, 2007
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So much to say here -- it's -- almost more than we can handle -- so, we just have to -- stay centered and low-key and let it come...

But Constance -- you will laugh....

Three or four years ago, I had a girl-friend who was quite convinced that I (Bruce) am a re-incarnation of George Fox. I am not particuarly trying to suggest that she can think straight, or that I came close to agreeing with her -- but she cited this same picture as adamant proof of her claim -- insisting that I look just like that guy...

---- On Wed, Sep 19, 2007, Constance Hall-Orman wrote ---

Bruce, Thank You! For all your cutting edge work, for bringing them/sharing them with us here, and for providing the links to the sites. Often your presence is missed and it's always a welcome sight to see your return with your expressed knowledge in truth. Oh yes, I loved the picture you posted of George Fox. We both have a shared affinity with this most inspiring character of past history, and if he were here, which I’m not saying he isn’t, he would be so happy with All his Friends (smile).
