Global Resonance Network From: Michael Ellis
Date: Saturday, September 22, 2007
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Dear All

Global meditation for Peace

I am sure that the mutual resonance of our Group through a joint meditation no matter where we are will contribute to enhancing our creative, genuine, authentic common identity through a loving social network which culturally is then woven and maintained by each individual into an integral Global Society

May I suggest we support our Community and create peace, coherence, wellness and interconnectedness with the Power of Prayer and Meditation through A Celebration of Oneness -----September 21, 2007 through October 10, 2007 As part of 30 Days of Peace:--

May I suggest that all people who wish to contribute to the critical mass for change please send out a silent coherent resonant meditation for Global Peace for at least 10 minutes each day .The combined intention will transcend space and time

Wolfgang states---- Let us all - starting with the Global Meditation for Peace - wherever and always –

------- try to support, empower and represent following vision, understanding and belief:

------At any time of history individuals as well as social communities have been able to -- stay within a creative context of being.

-----This has less in common with universities or sciences but more with a loving heart and a flexible, open and sensible mind.

-----It has less in common with cold rational knowledge but more with empathy and wisdom.

----The peaceful always and again have been extinguished by the violent.

----The solution is not for the peaceful to become as violent.

----The solution is to let the violent experience the satisfying sweetness of peacefulness.

--- -To a lesser extent this is about techniques or concepts.

-----Its more about staying in contact with the creative, genuine, authentic common identity by means of a loving social network which culturally is to be woven and maintained by each individual and supported by society at large.



Slow your breathing to the Peace Breath rhythm: 4-5 seconds in, 4-5 seconds out. Practice the Peace Breath until you feel peace and harmony in your body When you feel peace in your body, call to mind the following

• Know that the pure intent of this energetic moment is precipitating a critical-mass shift and manifesting this idea, and that universal forces are crystallizing the idea this very moment.

• Bring your attention to the area of your heart and feel the most deeply felt love imaginable.

• Project this love into the earth, out into the stars, and into the heart of all animate and inanimate matter. Visualize and feel all life infused by and emanating a brilliant, living light.

• Hold the weekly idea in consciousness as a present reality while in this love-imbued state. Contemplate its deep meaning and make it a part of your current experience. Keep it with you throughout your day.

• Express gratitude for the imminent manifestation of this idea and for the majesty, abundance and beauty of life.

• Go about your day with a knowingness that our vision is manifesting more and more every moment.

