Global Resonance Network From: SĀ“ace G root
Date: Saturday, September 22, 2007
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hello me, myself & i & you as a special guest fulfilling my team of 4 ::D'ays a Week digesting 7 at all ...

this needs a little narration for me to do here (which i will do This Very Week) ...

A part of that narration is :: What is a Week and How is this Week a HarmonY in itself and to my BrrrOthers and Sisters on this Planet ...

The Graphical Performance facilitating this Narration is Alive since This Very ::D:: , oops, sorry: DAY ...

I also justify here that i am Born on a FriDay refering to the Pop'ular Gregorian Calendre and i am Born on Alpha in the Dreamspell variant of the T'zolkin, where i co-exist with many many other Kin, Shipping across this globe and Dwelling around to energize their Potentials ...

This makes me an ALPHANT by Universal Truth; add to that that i have periods that a kind of Artist of Apartheid rises from my Individual Interior that i decide as Necessary or as to Let ...

So, take me as an Artist in the Spheres where Your DALIN receives Your SILIOHM (resp. Time and Space), and thereby endure my role as KALIK.

I admit that i should practice to decide more and more to Let down the Necessary option.

Namaste Y S'ace


U nderWWWater Processes Will Continue, sense Y our ComeBack Here Whenever you allow Y ourself to Do that Act ;-)