Global Resonance Network From: Jonathan Stemer
Date: Saturday, September 22, 2007
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Namaste Jimmieanna, VeroniKA and every-One,

Thank you VeroniKA for your smiling eyes and Jimmieanna for your beautiful heartfelt poem. As far as I know, all the wisdom traditions of the world and the sages, healers, masters have revealed that wisdom is simple. This is why a while back I included the words from one of my favorite sages, The Little Prince:

"And now here is my secret, a very simple secret:

It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."

You may also like the poems/words of another beautiful sagelike being named Mattie Stepanek ( who came to this earth just long enough to bless us for a little while with his heartwisdom and then moved on.



---- On Sat, Sep 22, 2007, Jimmieanna Hays wrote ---

Hello Verronika,

I thought your poem was beautiful
the words you sing so true,
some would call them simple thoughts
and to me simple will do.

For me my life so simple
that words that sing a song
are all that really matter
simple is how we get along.

when words like peace, harmony,
justice, Love, nurture, Smile all
come together on a page
the feeling it is now.

The Love You sent with Your Song
bends me to my knees
a Smile with eyes Smiling back
Verronika if you please~

I have been reading Mother Teresa Come Be My Light on page 281....
"I remember some time ago a big group of professors
came from the United States and they asked,
"Tell us something that will help us," and I said

"Smile at each other."

Mother Teresa of Calcutta

That resonates deeply within my Soul.

in and of love and ever so small....jimmieanna

---- On Wed, Sep 19, 2007, Verronika Walch wrote ---

dearest Jimmieanna,

here is my translation

may be you can change it so that it "makes sense" in english, too?

so that i can bring it on the homepage in english, too

thanks and smile from here to there and everywhere


smiling eyes is a nice little one

so they may be called those girls

whom one likes to look after

whom one likes to look at

who are in ones memories

smiling eyes has her name because of her eyes

from these eyes

always radiates a deep smile

that directly enters the heart of those

who are smiled at

and she smiles at every and anybody she meets

just so

whoever meets her

does not registrate in the beginning what this meant to be

but s/he notices

how her/his heart becomes more and more open

how s/he feels more and more tender

and one day

s/he looks into the mirror and smiles at her/himself

one should call her smiling eyes s/he thinks by her/himself

leaves her/his house

and smiles at everybody

whom s/he meets

with her/his eyes


This smile passes itself on and on

around all the earth


This smile arounds the earth once again


This smile opens the hearts of so many

That the earth begins to smile, too


Do you hear her laugh?

I wish you for each meeting with whomever

Smiling eyes

The smile that goes around the earth

