Global Resonance Network From: Constance Hall-Orman
Date: Thursday, September 27, 2007
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Welcome Satheesan and Betty too! Hello to Every-ONE!

From All man-made troubles that we have in the world are due to the alienation from the System of Life to which we belong by virtue of our human birth. Since we are the products of the System of Life it is the only intelligent one that is available to us to manage life. Degradation of life takes place when consciousness gets conquered by the systems that exist in violation of the System. The main responsibility for this goes to the religions that attribute divinity in systems that do not belong to the System to which we belong by birth.

Constance: Yes, good work Satheesan, this seems to touch the crutch of the matter of existence on earth right now, today. We are not allowing the soul to be recognized at birth. We are either boy or girl, and now I'm being made aware of a new gender, called Intergender (neither male or female) which has to do with X & Y chromosome, an odd variation of the two makes an Intergender human which the medical community has a hard time to determine the infant as male or female, often times the parents are forced to pick a gender, or must go with the pro-dominate gender and an operation occurs to give the specific infant an identity of male or female, but never is the infant recognized as a soul, choosing his/her/combo role as Intergender. I heard one woman explain it like this: she was happy that her parents chose not to have the operation to make her female, so she was raised not knowing that she was different, it wasn't until she saw female genitalia that she knew something was different, but she thought the other girl had the problem, never thinking anything was wrong with her. She said she would never consider having an operation to be a "normal" female, she loves being who she is. She said the medical community isn't giving the Intergender a chance because they want parents to decide what gender the infant should be. She was lucky that her father was a doctor/surgeon, and he decided that an operation on a perfectly normal infant otherwise, wasn't necessary and could be more dangerous. I'm sure her father was seeing the soul and allowing her to be who she chose to be, before ever arriving here on earth.

I agree with you when you say, "our man-made troubles are due to the alienation from the System of Life..."

We are the soul before we are ever the human. How do we get this message to permeate the consciousness of humanity? If even today, in this new millennium we are still struggling with 'issues/troubles' we have been dealing with since the beginning. How does the direct relationship with the "System of Life" occur at infancy when we arrive, if we are not recognizing it as Truth, at the inception of our first days on earth?

Thank you for providing us with the link to review your work.

---- On Thu, Sep 27, 2007, Satheesan Kochicheril wrote ---

'Pure' means not influenced by our reasoning as ours is dictated by our perceptions, convictions, and motivations. When all these constituent factors change our reasoning also changes. But, by birth we belong to a System of Life, to the people who speak of God ot must be the System of God. Since we are the products of this System of God/Truth the best qualites of the human mind can be had only in relationship with the System which is the expression of spirituality. For more visit my site and I am looking for some bright minds to join me in promoting Pure Reason Inc.
