Global Resonance Network From: Hillary Hitt
Date: Saturday, May 10, 2008
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Dear Loving Brothers and Sisters,

I am sure we are all aware and deeply troubled by the horrendous decisions being made by the Burmese junta. Their fear of allowing international aid workers to come in and help the victims of this tragedy are completely unfathomable in this day and age.

Let us extend our compassion. Let us extend our communtiy by donating to the monks who are now being called to administer the aid.

Please take a moment to read the following editorial: "The Disaster in Burma -- How You Can Help" from AlterNet.

May our call to communal Life be met with the vision of how we can be connected to the various corners of the world that are full of darkness and pain. May the wealth of our Light be the beacon that others can seek for their survival.
