Global Resonance Network From: Ronald Harris
Date: Thursday, August 21, 2008
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All I can say is good luck to your friend in getting her car back! I'm sure the Forum won't mind if were having a little communcation between us, It might be helpful to some.


------ On 8/21/08, Tamara Kenyon-O'Keefe wrote ------

Thanks Ron, but it's not me, it's a good friend of mine in NV. She was moving to NV from Ohio and broke down and they have had her car for over six months now. That is why I said what I did. She mean while had someone pick her up and take her to her new home, meanwhile she's without a car. Sorry guys, maybe I should have gone private with this. But I just wanted to let people know how times have changed. Again Ron thank you. Tami W-59
