Global Resonance Network From: JoAnne Rarick-Bruner
Date: Monday, September 22, 2008
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Let Mom Bruner add to anyone not having fun: "If I have to come in here, you're not going to like it".

(I believe I could drum up some recipies for crow.)

Oh wait, I have a good recipe for peach and blueberry cobbler. Of course, I read it somewhere, tried it & it was very good. I've never had an original recipe in my whole mom career.

I can't wait to see all of your happy faces at the reunion!!!! I'm going to go buy "Shore Loser" so I can get an autograph! When is the next book coming out, Doug?

------ On 9/22/08, Doug Danielson wrote ------

Keep this up...and we're gonna have to put you folks in the ELEPHANT STEW instead of the rabbits!

Doug (S’58)
