Global Resonance Network From: Starr* Saffa
Date: Sunday, November 9, 2008
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Teehee hee - No taxation without representation!

The true self does not really reside here. It resides in Spirit... and we find it by going back into our spiritual self.

- John-Roger (From: "The True Self," in "The Wayshower,"

--- On Sun, Nov 9, 2008, in msg265736, SĀ“ace G root wrote ---

d'ear Ram & Starr* & alignetones ;-)

co*TemplaTing: "I would be happier if, in his unified vibrations, he included a woman in his cabinet. So far he only has Susie Rice as an advisor."

i sense it is not about man or woman physics ~ it is about "whole human minds" : ergo - let go the physical expression idea(l)?

it is about articulation ... realize that somehow woman can command the masculine hemisphere even better than a man ... and the other waY around also happens ... (john lennon? bill "will i am" clinton? / gates?)

give s*acey to Y our new pres(id)ent ?!

::*:: s'aceBioVoiD
