Global Resonance Network From: Gary Winfree
Date: Friday, November 28, 2008
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---- On Fri, Nov 28, 2008, Bruce Schuman wrote ---
"So, how would this work? Well -- people who said they wanted to be part of this -- to enter this gateway, to go through this portal -- would have a way to enter a web-space -- and respond to the next level of questions, whatever they are -- maybe five fast little questions every week -- and they could gradually, over time -- be building up a big detailed array of their interests and agreements -- maybe hundreds of points after a while -- all of them simple and fast, and taking shape depending on their interests... so, every week -- you get a little email message, with a few questions in it -- and something to click, to enter your answers. you take a couple of minutes, click something in the email, you are logged in to the portal, you click a few response to the questions, maybe type in a few new ideas or questions that you have, maybe some options for others to select from -- the whole thing takes you five minutes a week -- unless you feel like spending more time and as these responses take shape, a force-field of agreement emerges... "

Hello Bruce,
Interesting idea and, over time, I could see it taking some interesting directions.

Gary  "Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing which ever has." —Margaret Mead