Global Resonance Network From: Starr* Saffa
Date: Saturday, December 27, 2008
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 Dear Michael - To me your paragraph  below is the most important one I have read here recently. I believe all people on the Path should realize this is where we are NOW. Thank you for sharing this vision and understanding. I would appreciate it being posted here every day - until we can all say it sinks in to our awareness and intentional designs. Yes, it should be in large writing and maybe the next time it should be in caps! Not only is humanity seeking this awareness, but they need to find it so as to elevate the Shift.

Living Love, Starr*

--- On Sat, Dec 27, 2008, in msg266369, Michael Ellis wrote ---

This is I believe what Humanity seeks and that is to find that eternal Home in the NOW.I think this is because there is a new energy in the Galaxy which brings us closer to our origins and our true Blue Print without Deities or Religious intercessories  and purely empowerment of the individual to authenticity.





A Journey Home




Allow the magical medium of breath
to carry you now ...and lift you up
into the Eternity of the ethers,
wherein you truly dwell.

This being
who is oriented toward the material forms of perception
is not at all the definitive expression
of who and what you Are.

The sacred Essence
that glows at the heart
of your Eternal Being
is the transcendent expression
of the one you have come to think of
as "you."

It is this expression of the universal Self
that shares in this moment
of Oneness.

Oneness has emerged
from within the depths of each of you now.

Now, in this very moment.
A moment that is, to outward appearances,
not unlike all the others.
Moments that melt together into a blur,
amid the whirlwind of activity
you think of as "your life."

Now, it is time to stop all that.
Time to step back
from the frenzy of purposeful "doing"...
and simply Be.

"Now" is a moment
etched in the embrace of timelessness.

A breath of Eternity,
made manifest...
simply by allowing yourself
to be fully Present
in this fleeting instant of Union...
and allowing yourself the experience
of Grace.

Let us be Still Now.
Let us hold this inner silence
as we would a Beloved.
It is a sacredness
that is shared.

Where the pulse of two Loves
beat together...
and emerge as One.

One Love.
One Lover.
Expressed in the intimacy
of this Now moment.

A breath becomes a caress.
And reveals a knowingness
that transcends the need for words.
You feel it.
And you simply know...
without knowing how you know...
that Divinity is at work here.

We have come to this moment
to share in the revelation
of that indescribable knowingness.

We have come to this moment
of re-Union
to taste, yet again,
a moment our hearts have memorized.

We know this embrace.
We have been lost
in the arms of this Love before.
So many times
it defies the imagination.

And yet,
each time we surrender
to the inevitability of this embrace,
it's as though it were the first time.

And the miracle of
Divine Love
pulses through form,
like a song without end...
and sweeps us
into the rapture of Oneness
once more.

Take a moment now
and simply breathe it in.

Breathe the Eternal Life
which you Are
deep into the sacred core
of your Being.

Let the images melt away
from your mind.

Let the thoughts,
which might seek to define this moment,
surrender ...and be Still.

This indescribable feeling...
is all that exists.

is all that remains
when the imagery of the material world
is allowed to melt
into the periphery for a time...
and then, perhaps,
to disappear completely.
If only just for Now.

This extraordinary feeling,
which is unquestionable,
yet you would not know
how to begin to explain...
is All That Is.

This is who you truly Are.
This feeling of wholeness.
This indescribable sense of Presence.
This Isness.
This Oneness.

Let the Oneness...
that we have birthed
into the medium of physical perception...
linger now ...for just a moment.

Let it shimmer!
Silently, breathing in its own delight...
emerging within the inner recesses
of our own sacred Self.
And marveling
that we have brought
the magical sense of
into the Here and Now
of our worldly lives.

Let us give our Self permission...
to simply Taste it.
To savor it.
To experience it.
To know it.

As we would know the intimacy
of a Lover.

The moment is here for the Tasting.
It is not here to be clutched at,
or captured ...or caged.
You can not imprison
a moment of sacred Union
with Oneness.
You can only Be in this moment Now.

And that sense of Now
can be created...
and re-created ...eternally.
Simply by surrendering
all resistance to it.

And in the same breath,
by focusing your intension,
and focusing your attention ...
focusing it
with the precision of a laser...
on your unquestioning knowing
that this connectedness
with your own sacred Essence
is right ...Here.

Right Here.
Waiting for you to affirm it.
With your presence.

You have brought
into the moment-to-moment
of physical perception.

You have breathed
Life Eternal
into the illusory world
you call your "home."

You have gone
on a timeless Journey...
in the space of a moment.

And in the space of
another moment ...or two....
you will release this timeless embrace
and return
to that material sense of "home".

But this "Home"
will never have left you.
Even if
we never venture into the depths of
this embrace...
in this way ...again.

For this "Home"...
the "Home" you have touched-on
in this fleeting moment of
Divine Union...
is one you carry
within you.

It is not out there
in the physical world,
intertwined with your material world obligations...
and the trappings of identity
with which you seek to
define yourself
and set yourself apart
from all else
that competes for your attention.

This "Home"
goes along for the ride.

You have chosen
a physical incarnation,
through which to express...
and through which to affirm...
who you Are

Know that you are free
to take this "Home"
out into the world.
Any time you choose to.

In the midst of a maelstrom.
In moments
when you may be convinced
the world has gone mad,
this "Home"
is right Here.

in the very center of the cyclone.
Where none of that illusory discord
can touch you.

Right here,
in the sacred inner core
of your Eternal Being.

No further away
than your next breath.

In those moments,
when the circumstances of life
vie to distract you from
this focus...
is the time to remember.

In those moments
when the trials of life and living
challenge you... and try your endurance...
is the time to remember.

To remember the authenticity of

And in that remembrance...
in that shift of
the focus of your attention...
from the details of the illusion
to the sanctity
of your true Home...
is the doorway
that takes you there!

to this moment
of Oneness.

Home to the Love
that been there...
waiting for you...
all along.

We will always be here for you.
Whether you choose
to re-visit this moment ...or not.

Oneness does not go away.
Even in the darkest moments of life...
the moments when you feel
most alone.
Oneness never goes away.

We are right Here.
As we have been for all Eternity.
Right Here.
Loving you.
Holding this space for you.
And waiting ...




