Global Resonance Network From: Starr* Saffa
Date: Sunday, December 28, 2008
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*God/ess is a gender neutral term to refer to the Source.

Dear Michael

I very much enjoyed reading ‘Thunder: Perfect Mind which you sent in to us.

Michael: This document almost 1700 years old,is hardly Christian in modern day terms. and speaks of the Divine Feminine as the overarching Law which contains the dichotomy of opposites which we know as the World IMHO --The Key is when these opposites are resolved.

Starr*: I want to make a few suggestions and connect a few dots for those who may be interested.

Starr*: In the reading we see the Ancient Mother Creator and Her discussion of the time of separation and opposition in the world (which is referred to by many as the Fall). The writing ends with this passage:

“For many are the sweet forms that exist in numerous sins And unrestrained acts and disgraceful passions, and temporal pleasures, Which are restrained until they become sober And run up to their place of rest. And they will find me there, And they will live and they will not die again “

Starr*: When She says: “Which are restrained until they become sober and run up to their place of rest” I believe she is saying that when the Fall is over and the Ascension happens the Consciousness that did the disgraceful things will find Truth again and mistakes will be no longer.

As I have written before, I would mark the end of the Fall and the beginning of the Ascension process to be linked to the ‘second coming of the Christ Spirit’ as expected in the 1844 period with the appearance of Tahirih. Let’s look at this assertion in consideration of what you wrote:

“…and speaks of the Divine Feminine as the overarching Law which contains the dichotomy of opposites which we know as the World IMHO --The Key is when these opposites are resolved.”

First of all regarding this Key of resolving opposites, Tahirih's writings which carry divine authority, call for the end of the “principle of opposition” and for this principle to be “changed to that of Unity”. This statement implies moving past separation/dualism/ and becoming whole. I suspect that separation came about because humankind wanted ‘free will’ and as such experienced the consequences of loosing connection to Source.

Next let us consider Tahirih's link with Source and creation from antiquity. I have put this quote forward several times on GR – but it is worth looking at again in this context. First let me explain that the Hidden Essence referred to in the quote refers to the Supreme Godhead Source.

“And so this is the stage and station of the Hidden Treasure which is mentioned. And when that Hidden Essence revealed Its Essence to Its Essence and showed forth Its Self to Its Self, the Maiden of Love, which was veiled within the canopy of the Essence of Unity, arose and came forth.”

What this quote is saying is that God/ess is in all Creation and that the Maiden of Love (bonding force energy of creation) is the Point from which all Creation is generated. Thus the following portion of a Communiqué Prayer from Tahirih is telling regarding Her link to the Ancient Progenitor as She came into Being when nothing else existed.

“Thou didst create me at a time when nothing existed, save it. I was formed, whirling, after a pattern that no one besides Thee had fashioned, so that Thou mightest set me in motion. Thus might I be brought out of the world of the veils of glory by the attraction exercised by Thy preexistent essence, and thus might I transcend the station of allusions by means of love for Thy shining countenance”.

Another point of interest is that Sirius is the star of Isis (who was the ancient Egyptian Creatrix that gave birth to the “Mother and Savior Son Paradigm” (there have been many beginning with Horus). During Tahirih’s reign (1844 period) Sirius was found to be a twin star (with one being ancient and one bright and more recent). Usually, what is seen in the heavens is indicative of what is happening in the physical on earth. So we can see, at this time there was a spiritual meaning which linked Isis and Tahirih with the Eternal Ancient Divine Creating Principle which has continued throughout time.

Now how does this tie into what you have written. Tahirih declared that the past paradigm was over and that a new universal one of unity and balance was now inaugurated whereby humanity could be connected to Self at Source.

Going by this line of thinking humanity has been on a path of transmuting opposites to wholeness for 160 plus years. I suggest that the time of the Shift will make this change of harmony and balance far more advanced and visible. It’s amazing Michael that we have been together on GR where we can identify that duality is in decline as unity and whole mindedness is dawning. Thanks again for the information and discussion.

With Living Love, Starr*

--- On Sat, Dec 27, 2008, in msg266364, Michael Ellis wrote ---

This document almost 1700 years old,is hardly Christian in modern day terms. and speaks of the Divine Feminine as the overarching Law which contains the dichotomy of opposites which we know as the World IMHO --The Key is when these opposites are resolved.

Make no mistake that the essential characteristics of these gnostic scrolls are indeed Christian and express the essential message of the authentic Christ unadulterated by the Pauline Doctrine of evil,sin and the salvation in the ater life or Heavenr and the Theocratic regimes which have flourished for the past 1700 years . This is after Emperor Constantine tried to destroy 50% of the Gospels in 300AD. What we have today is a pale distorted reflection of the essential Christian message in the St James readers Digest version of the Bible


In December 1945, a set of 52 religious and philosophical texts, hidden in an earthenware jar for 1,600 years, was accidentally unearthed.

A example of the codices discovered in 1945 at the foot of Gebel el Tarif mountain: most of these codices were protected in a leather case, such as the one shown here.

Not far from the village of Nag Hammadi in Upper Egypt, a group of farmers came across an entire collection of books written in Coptic, the very language spoken by Egyptian Christians, which came as a bombshell to the historical and theological communities.

This corpus of 1,200 pages is currently conserved at the Coptic Museum in Cairo and contains one text in particular that made the headlines - the Gospel according to Thomas, which was originally called 'the secret words of Jesus written by Thomas'.

55 years after the miraculous discovery, the controversy still rages on, and the analysis of the texts continues to represent a source of contention. The collection has spawned several books and essays: from interpretations with a Rosicrucian bias to accusations of the religious community being sworn to silence. Scientists continue to raise questions about the exact repercussions of such a discovery.

Thunder, Perfect Mind exists only in the Coptic version found at Nag Hammadi (NHC VI,2:13,1-21,32). The author, date, and place of composition are unknown, but a cultural milieu like that of second- or third-century Alexandria is plausible. In any case, it is clear that the text was originally composed in Greek well before 350 C.E., the approximate date of the Coptic manuscript. The surviving text is relatively well preserved, with minor damage near the top of the first four pages (13-16) and somewhat more serious damage on the first ten lines of the remaining manuscript pages (17-21).

The Thunder: Perfect Mind (CG VI.2:13,1-21,32)

Translation copyright 2000 Anne McGuire; all rights reserved.

I was sent from the Power And I have come to those who think upon me. And I was found among those who seek after me (13,2-5) .

Look at me, you who think upon me; And you hearers, hear me! You who are waiting for me, take me to yourselves. And do not pursue me from your vision. And do not make your sound hate me, nor your hearing. Do not be ignorant of me at any place or any time. Be on guard! Do not be ignorant of me. (13,5-15).

For I am the first and the last. I am the honored and the scorned, I am the harlot and the holy one. I am the wife and the virgin. I am the m[oth]er and the daughter. I am the members of my mother.

I am the barren one and the one with many children. I am she whose marriage is multiple, and I have not taken a husband. I am the midwife and she who does not give birth. I am the comforting of my labor pains.

I am the bride and the bridegroom. It is my husband who begot me. I am the mother of my father and the sister of my husband. And he is my offspring. I am the servant of him who prepared me and I am the lord of my offspring. But he is the one who be[got me] before time on a day of birth and he is my offspring in time, and my power is from him. I am the staff of his power in his youth and he is the rod of my old age. And whatever he wills happens to me.

I am the incomprehensible silence and the much-remembered thought. I am the voice of many sounds and the utterance (logos) of many forms. I am the utterance of my name (13,15-14,15).

Why, you who hate me, do you love me And hate those who love me? You who deny me, confess me, And you who confess me, deny me. You who speak the truth about me, tell lies about me, And you who have told lies about me, speak the truth about me. You who know me, become ignorant of me; and may those who have been ignorant of me come to know me (14,15-25).

For I am knowledge and ignorance. I am shame and boldness. I am unashamed, I am ashamed. I am strength and I am fear. I am war and peace (14,26-32).

Give heed to me (14,32-33)..

I am the disgraced and the exalted one (14,33-34)..

Give heed to my poverty and my wealth. Do not be haughty to me when I am discarded upon the earth,

And you will find me among [those] that are to come.

And do not look upon me on the garbage-heap and go and leave me discarded.

And you will find me in the kingdoms.

And do not look upon me when I am discarded among those who are disgraced and in the least places, And then laugh at me.

And do not cast me down among those who are slain in severity (14,34-15,14).

But as for me, I am merciful and I am cruel (15,15-16).

Be on guard! Do not hate my obedience, And do not love my self-control in my weakness. Do not forsake me, And do not be afraid of my power.

Why then do you despise my fear And curse my pride? (15,16-24).

I am she who exists in all fears and boldness in trembling. I am she who is weak, and I am well in pleasure of place. I am foolish and I am wise (15,25-31).

Why have you hated me in your counsels?

(Is it) because I shall be silent among those who are silent, And I shall appear and speak?

Why then have you hated me, you Greeks? Because I am a non-Greek among non-Greeks? (15,31-16,3).

For I am the Wisdom of Greeks And the Gnosis of non-Greeks. I am judgment for Greeks and non-Greeks. I am the one whose image is multiple in Egypt. And the one who has no image among non-Greeks.

I am she who has been hated everywhere and who has been loved everywhere.

I am she who is called Life and you have called Death. I am she who is called Law and you have called Lawlessness.

I am the one you have pursued, and I am the one you have restrained. I am the one you have scattered and you have gathered me together. Before me you have been ashamed and you have been unashamed with me.

I am she who observes no festival and I am she whose festivals are many. I, I am godless and I am she whose God is multiple.

I am the one upon whom you have thought and whom you have scorned. I am unlearned, and it is from me they learn.

I am she whom you have despised and upon whom you think. I am the one from whom you have hidden and to whom you are manifest. But whenever you hide yourselves, I myself will be manifest. For whenever you are manifest, I myself [will hide f]rom you.

Those who have [... ] [...] [...] senselessly

Take me [...] [underst]anding out of pain, and receive me to yourselves out of understanding [and] pain. Receive me to yourselves out of disgraceful places and contrition. And seize me from those which are good even though in disgrace. Out of shame, receive me to yourselves in shamelessness. And out of shamelessness and shame, blame my members among yourselves. And come forward to me, you who know me and who know my members. Establish the great ones among the small first creatures.

Come forward to childhood and do not despise it because it is little and small. And do not bring back some greatnesses in parts from smallnesses, for the smallnesses are known from the greatnesses.

Why do you curse me and honor me? You have wounded and you have had mercy.

Do not separate me from the first ones whom you have k[nown. And] do not cast anyone [out and do not] bring anyone back [...] ...brought you back and ... [kno]w him not (17,4-18,5).

[I...] what is mine [...] I know the fi[rst ones] and those after them know me. But I am the [perfect] mind and the repose of the [...] I am the gnosis of my seeking, and the finding of those who seek after me. And the command of those who ask of me.

And the power of the powers by my gnosis of the angels who have been sent by my logos, And the gods in their seasons by my command, And it is with me that the spirits of all humans exist, and it is within me that women exist.

I am she who is honored and praised and who is despised scornfully. I am peace and because of me war has come to be. And I am an alien and a citizen. I am substance and she who has no substance. Those who come into being from my synousia are ignorant of me, And those who are in my substance know me.

Those who are close to me have been ignorant of me And those who are far from me have known me. (18,6-35).

On the day when I am close to [you, you] are far away [from me And] on the day when I [am far away] from you, [I am] [close] to you. I [am] [....] within. [I..] ..... of the natures. I am [......] of the creation of spirits ....request of the souls. (18,35-19,8). [I am} restraint and unrestraint.

I am union and dissolution. I am the abiding and I am the loosing. I am descent and they come up to me. I am the judgment and the acquittal. I, I am sinless and the root of sin is from me. I am desire in appearance and self-control of the heart exists within me.

I am the hearing which is attainable to everyone and the ungraspable utterance. I am a non-speaking mute and great is my multitude of utterances (19,9-25).

Hear me in softness and learn from me in harshness. (19,25-27).

I am she who cries out, And I am cast out upon the face of the earth. I prepare the bread and my mind within. I am the gnosis of my name. I am she who cries out and I am the one who listens.

I appear an[d...] walk in [...] seal of my [...]...[sign] of the I am [...] the defense. I am she who is cal[led] Truth. And violence [...] (19,28-20,8).

You honor me [...] and you whisper against [me]. You who are defeated, judge them before they pass judgment against you. For the judge and partiality exist within you. If you are condemned by this, who will acquit you? Or if you are acquitted by him, who will be able to restrain you?

For what is inside of you is what is outside of you. And the one who molded you on the outside has made an impression of it inside of you. And that which you see outside of you, you see inside of you. It is manifest and it is your garment.

Hear me, listeners, and be taught my utterances, you who know me! (20,9-28)

I am the hearing that is acceptable in every matter; I am the utterance that cannot be restrained. I am the name of the voice and the voice of the name. I am the sign of writing and the manifestation of difference.

And I ... [3 lines missing] [...] light [...] and [...] [...] listeners [...] you.

[...] the great power. And [...] will not move the name. [...] the one who created me. But I shall speak his name (20,28-21,11).

Behold, then, his utterances and all the writings that have been completed. Give heed, then, listeners, and you also, angels, And those who have been sent, And you spirits who have arisen from the dead, (21,12-18).

For I am the one who alone exists, And I have no one who will judge me. (21,18-20).

For many are the sweet forms that exist in numerous sins And unrestrained acts and disgraceful passions, and temporal pleasures, Which are restrained until they become sober And run up to their place of rest. And they will find me there, And they will live and they will not die again (21,20-32).

--- On Sat, Dec 27, 2008, in msg266359, Wolfgang Fischer wrote ---

I am a dreamer too, dear Bruce, trying hard to make dreams come true.

That actually is the main part of my motivation, also at this wonderful place ever since we met here.

OM - runs through any heart, not only the heart of Christianity.

I am reacting to that OM vibration.

It is running my heart, my soul, my breath, my existence as it is moving everything else.

This is something beyond the old religions be it Christianity or any other religion, something deep within all of us.

It is a pattern that connects as you say.

It is something which needs to be set free from historically grown limitations and which needs to be cultivated and spread widely.

It will be recognized to be our common human religion which all of us share by our nature and which we will live or we will terminate to exist as humanity.

So it is not about good or bad - it is about the mere consequences of our way of thinking, of our way of living within the web of interconnectedness under the life supporting light of the sun and beyond.

This is about our human responsibility which we carry and which we cannot burden upon nobody else without again creating devastating consequences.

I dream, I love, I am

