Global Resonance Network From: Bruce Schuman
Date: Sunday, December 28, 2008
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Yesterday, over there on, I decided to start a blog.

So I wrote some stuff, kind of introducing myself and what we are doing here.  I just put it in there, 'cause it felt like the right thing to do.  There's 13,000 people in that system, why is anybody going to look at my blog -- not likely..

But Hillary this morning on MSN told me my blog was on the front page of the site.  Mucho trippy.  Neat.

So, I just took a screen shot of that layout.  Our Portal to Unity is getting some good exposure, right next to the Nobel Prize winner.

One neat thing is -- in my blog post I said something about the sky being a soft blue with traces of white clouds.  So, this morning, the iPeace graphic background is soft blue sky with traces of white clouds.  Somebody is paying attention...


I think I will mirror this iPeace blog over here on GRN, just to keep track of it, in case my stuff over there gets lost.  David Califa, founder of iPeace, is organizing a big festival in Israel this weekend.  It would be fascinating to get into some kind of partnership with him, and with this teeming project he is doing.

Like the Nobel Prize winner says, in this screen-shot -- "All crises, including the one in the Middle East, can be solved..."

Get enough internet horsepower running the right energy and the integral lightning -- something pretty tremendous might happen...