Global Resonance Network From: SĀ“ace G root
Date: Sunday, December 28, 2008
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okaY ...

so our humble however &@%$#%& WebMaster ;-) does wanna make a POINT ...

& i can see/obseRVe/pictURe that ... & among me Quite some~bodies expressing their local & planetary minding vibration at top of that momenT ...

POINTing at a Crystal Clear Observation from a G'round being iTself ...

so God/es'S is a Verb all the time and pops up as an Objective already gone ... while explaining Him&Her

so from an intoxificated state of mind i'ld promote and advertice the idea:

P ~ People ~ Personatas ~ PurePoses ~ Plane(T)s

O ~ Omega ~ ObservanTS ~ OverTs ~ O'wing

inT ~ inTegral ~ inTeger ~ inTending ~ inTrusT & TrutH

Y'our H'umbLLe Thumbler S'@Tsarick Sphynx dyinG Ti'me