Global Resonance Network From: Bruce Schuman
Date: Wednesday, December 31, 2008
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Just a small thought on this -- hello Michael --

I've just been over on this site -- using my standard MS Explorer browser -- and their site makes it impossible to vote for your project using this browser. I tried Opera, it didn't work either, but it looks like Firefox is working. The thing is -- they require that you create an account to vote -- and when you try to do that in MS Explorer, the video remains on the screen in front of the form we are required to fill out. So, can't see the form, can't create an account, can't vote. Maybe somebody needs to tell them this... Thanks for your gifts to the world....

--- On Tue, Dec 30, 2008, in msg266440, Michael Ellis wrote ---

Dear All

I wanted to see if I could get your help to promulgate this message to Save The Planet. I'm not sure if you've heard, but there's a movement of citizens inspired by the presidential campaign who are now submitting ideas for how they think the Obama Administration should change America. It's called "Ideas for Change in America."

I've submitted an idea and wanted to see if you could quickly vote for it. The title is:

Yes We Can--Save The Planet

You can read and vote for the idea by clicking on the following link:

The top 10 ideas are going to be presented to the Obama Administration on Inauguration Day and will be supported by a national lobbying campaign run by, MySpace, and more than a dozen leading nonprofits after the Inauguration. So each idea has a real chance at becoming policy.

Thanks for the support,


Yes We Can--Save The Planet

America leads the world in technological innovation and new ways of thinking. The Obama Administration is innovative in both ideas and practical action as regards climate change, pollution, health and the creation of world peace. Throughout the world there are millions and millions of people calling for change to create a peaceful and sustainable future for all of humanity. I suggest that this new wave of interconnectivity and interdependence of all peoples is chanelled into a new politics of peace making where President Elect Obama leads the way in propelling all Governments ,Nations and Peoples to saving the planet for our future generations

PS Anna my creative artistic Video friend and myself would be interested in constructing a video for POERTAL
