Global Resonance Network From: Harry Williams
Date: Thursday, January 15, 2009
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Hello Everyone, Peace, Love, Harmony and Greater Consciousness to all. i am a little bemused by all this concentrated energy on images from someone else imagination. They are good and give inspiration i am sure. but let us of who may be actually serious in a militant passively active sort of way ( ha ha) discuss the real awakening of what we are facing here... The Earths own consciousness for survival as it starts to get irritated by the parasites (us humans) and the sunburn of the Cosmos. It seems to be steeping into its memory banks to remind itself and of course us that we are creators of our own existence. And although we, in the physical span of existence on this planet, have only a limited time to discover this the intensity of the realization is now much greater. Does anyone have any radical global earth saving ideas that can be acknowledged as true revelation by all of us? Thereby giving this group a voice of positivity and unity to approach the current world leaders?