Gather the Women Global Matrix From: Karen Fiala
Date: Thursday, July 6, 2006
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Today we have been discussing unity and how to achieve it. I said there were some really practical ways to do this and now I'm going to share some of these concepts with you. But first I'd like to explain the background behind my work.

For a long time mankind waited for someone else to come and sort out the problems on our planet. At first we thought our politicians would have some answers – but all they did was make a half-hearted attempt. We also wondered if the United Nations could offer any hope – but its organization often got caught in red tape and bureaucracy, and the way it was structured there wasn’t a level playing field for all nations. So we waited and waited – but no really good solutions were forthcoming. The World Trade Organization was a group which was supposed to make things fair for the countries of the world, so they could all exchange goods and services, but in reality little was done for the poorer countries and people of the Earth. Most of the trade talks involved gathering representatives from large multi-nationals who had limited interest in helping anyone other than themselves. Us regular folks, felt that the only way to be heard was to protest en-masse - but our voices were, for the most part, silenced. Well now it’s the 21st century and we’ve given all the ‘official’ methods a fair chance. They have all failed miserably. Surely it’s time for a new way. A better way! A fairer way! Now regular people must show how things should really be done.

"We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.” Martin Luther King Jr

This planet is home to over six billion men, women and children, and all of us have the right to live in peace and safety, with the best possible lifestyle for our well-being. Living on the Earth is the first rung in our soul’s journey. It’s the existence where we start to take our first spiritual steps. Every choice we make, every decision we follow, helps shape our own destiny and may impact the destiny of others.

AlterQuest has been formed to show you how to question any dysfunctional processes and teach you how to find new ways to change reality. One of the recurring themes in this pursuit has been the need for all humanity to unite and strive to find the most positive outcomes for all situations. It is this affirmative action which is the key to our survival into the 21st century.

There are so many facets of life which, for too long, mankind has merely accepted because that’s the way society said it should be – and who were we to try and question the system?

Anwar Sadat (President of Egypt) said, “He who cannot change the fabric of his thought will never be able to change reality.”

It’s time to find answers.

I think you know what I’m saying here. I’m not telling you anything you didn’t already know. What I now want to do is give you some really good reasons to take control over the situation.

Now it’s time to fight back! We must all take a stand – and I mean ALL of us. This is for every person who’s ever been retrenched, forced to find casual, part-time, low-paying or demeaning work and those who have to do two or more jobs per week, just to survive. This is for everyone who’s over 18 and ‘too old’ to find employment and for those over forty, who have great amounts of experience and maturity but deemed to be ‘past their sell-by date’. Without a job we have no money. Without money we cannot live in ease on this planet.

We find that the solution to the employment issue, as with most things, comes back to unity. We, the oppressed, the downtrodden, the poor and the middleclass, must all unify and make a society which works in our favor and benefits all people – not just the chosen elite. As we need to do with all issues which are afflicting man at this time, we must have an organized, harmonious approach. This is the only true way to address these problems and in doing so, find positive answers to shape our world.

Here are some of those ways:

•If all of us make a conscious effort to change the structure of our towns and our society we can make a difference.

•If we choose to shop locally more people will be willing to open small businesses.

•If small enterprises in our area amalgamate with others in neighboring towns to form a bulk buying group, they can demand fair prices from the wholesalers and compete with the big guys.

•If we start a diversity of businesses, we won’t be stuck with the same old products labeled ‘Made in China’.

•If we begin our own banks, telephone and utility companies, local media, clothing companies, shoe makers, organic produce markets and small businesses providing other necessities, we can have a say and we will take back control.

•If our small businesses give better service, make better quality products and don’t put our customers in a queue when they phone or come into our store, they will win back a share of the marketplace.

•If we shun the multi-nationals and say ‘go away’ perhaps they’ll get the message. Remember, they are screwing with our livelihoods and our job security but there are many more of us than there are of ‘them’ and if we use our combined People Power, we can tell them ‘where to go.’

There are many other concepts which are being used by communities in both 1st world and 3rd world (or so-called 'developing) nations such as barter, fair trade, local currencies, local healthcare, welfare which are really empowering the weakest or poorest among us.

All of these ideas are workable. They are user-friendly and they make us create a system for our society using thinking which is 'outside the box'. That's what AlterQuest has been formed for. To teach people to think about new ways and to get them to take positive action - for the benefit of all. Only in this way will the world be fair.

These are just some of the ways we can regain our sense of kinship and our reason to live. We can share the workload, and the money, evenly and we will find some sense of dignity and a sense of purpose again. BUT FIRST WE MUST ALL UNITE.

Doesn’t this sound wonderful? Are you still skeptical or are you up to the task?

Take it from a past USA president. Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.”

That's good advice.

