Gather the Women Global Matrix From: Starr* Saffa
Date: Thursday, July 6, 2006
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Thank you Nadine, Susmita, Karen, and everyone for the great thoughts. Here are a couple that I pulled out of the recent posts that I hope to make comment on in a later post.

Nadine MacGillivray: “we have to be very careful that the matrix we set for ourselves is in fact good for all, and is what we truly wish for - as in the adage "be careful what you wish for"

Susmita: We as individuals need to be very very cautious and careful to keep our minds free. The time has come for us to stop proclaiming women as victims and powerless - and bring awareness to our innate courage, wisdom, intuition and authentic divine Goddessself. We can benefit each other by transcending our limited-image conditioning by changing one belief at a time and sharing our personal journey/experiences consciously.

Karen Fiala: AlterQuest has been formed to show you how to question any dysfunctional processes and teach you how to find new ways to change reality. One of the recurring themes in this pursuit has been the need for all humanity to unite and strive to find the most positive outcomes for all situations. It is this affirmative action which is the key to our survival into the 21st century.

There are so many facets of life which, for too long, mankind has merely accepted because that’s the way society said it should be – and who were we to try and question the system?

Anwar Sadat (President of Egypt) said, “He who cannot change the fabric of his thought will never be able to change reality.”

Living Love to all -