Gather the Women Global Matrix From: Starr* Saffa
Date: Monday, July 10, 2006
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Hi Ruth and All - from Starr*

Ruth: thank you both for emphasizing the importance of equality of all members in a society - I wish to include children too - and the vital role of human rights on all levels of decision making and action.

Starr*: In my opinion the first right we owe children, is to intelligently bring them into this plane of existence. This means that they are 'wanted' by healthy parents, 'needed' by society, can be adequately cared for, and educated. This is addressing the topic of 'overpopulation' as well that was brought up in another post - (sorry I don't remember who mentioned it).

I was overjoyed to listen to a discussion by Doreen Virtue regarding the Indigo Children that are with us now. There was so much wisdom in her talk on how to raise these children, and in truth her wise words apply to all children. She did bring out that the Indigo children are by nature 'warriors for peace', and in many cases have advanced ability although it may be mistaken for ADDH because they are not conformists. She says they are unable to cut off their feelings to accomodate deadening rules and require 'truth' in all dealings. Therefore, they naturally resist the politics that have kept us from estabishing a peace that works for all people. Many of these children are often disruptive in demanding truth and in rejecting status quo behaviours. Eventually society will start listening to them and investigating how to ensure their wellbeing and rights - in other words learning how to treat them so that their behaviour is harmonious. Obviously drugging them and using old world parenting is not the answer. Many of you are of the Indigo nature or are parents to these special children. You already know how to mine their inherent gifts and perserve their human rights. Hopefully you will start educating society and sharing what you know about this world advancing phenomena.

Ruth: If our goal is PEACE then we have to allow all people to raise their voices and bring in their concerns - whether they are considered 'positive' or 'negative' by some others...If our goal is PEACE - our means must be peaceful and allow a process of finding peace within and among ourselves - as a blueprint for what we want to achieve. There is no peace without equality - never has been, and never will be.

Starr*: Thank you to all those who are writing to the forum - it sure gives the sense of not being alone, but rather being part of a spiritual minded family. It is so valuable to share our thoughts and knowledge. I was unaware that uninformed women voted Hitler in - thanks for that bit of knowledge Ruth.

People are agreeing that 'love' is the answer. The problem is that many people in this world can't get a grip on what 'love' means and how to experience or utilize it meaningfully. Learning the physical 'Science of Love' makes it more than just lip service, and in fact, holds a major key to peace because it is what bonds the created world together. When we 'understand' the way love works in the universe then we will know how to be LIVING LOVE, or LOVE in action through intent.

To creating a 'heaven' on earth that works for All -