Gather the Women Global Matrix From: Ruth Frei
Date: Sunday, August 13, 2006
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Dear Sisters

as far as I am informed - Bruce Schuman is the person who set up this forum and pays for it. According to his own informations some time ago on a forum called "Conference of the Parliament of the World Religions" he has initiated 'hundreds' of internet forums to various subjects and ends.

I agree with many of you, dear sisters, who feel uncomfortable with Bruce's comments or contributions here - but does this situation not sound familiar to many women: the men who pay for the women's 'good intentions'?

What would it mean to all of us, if we initiated a REAL forum of our own, without a man as its initiator - based for example on a Yahoo-group format, for which we do not have to pay? We would need a forum moderator. Who of you is experienced enough in all the technical know-how and willing to set up a real women's forum, where men do not have access? We would have to formulate some forum admission requirements etc. Please share your feelings and ideas about this suggestion.

Love to all of you

Ruth Frei