Gather the Women Global Matrix From: Colline Collins
Date: Wednesday, August 16, 2006
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Louise and likeminded others

It has taken me most of my life to find a voice, I will NEVER be silenced again. ate

I will not be driven from the site either as it is supposed to offer a womanspace free to express ourselves about anything.

I will not be bullied or harrased, and I have been cyber stalked before, if it happens again I will report it to the police as well as yahoo. I am a Canadian Citizen, sand if it comes from some other country, more stringent laws may apply..

dOh and I might add, that I debate the bible (from many different religions) with my mentally ill nephew, who found God in Prison, it is the only thing that put jhim on the straight and narrow, but dhe came out preaching at family members. He knows I follow the Mother and the philosophy. Buddha is so much softer and loving than the Violent battle driven God. How many people have died over religion?

A good example is myd Irish Heritage.......Irish people killing Irish people over religion..

With Her Guidance Colline