Gather the Women Global Matrix From: Shana Kelly
Date: Wednesday, August 16, 2006
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First, thank everyone who has posted in the last couple weeks! GTW has been quiet for a long time. A great energy has come up! I can't say it's been comfortable or quiet, but if we're always comfortable and quiet, life remains static. I ran across this post in reading past messages, and found it sums up my some of my personal issues in this Womenspace:

"Listen my sweet girls, grow and become women, with a heart of exceptance. Except the way this board has been set up, and quit questioning it. It works just fine for many. Don't try and fix, what is not broken. "

First, I'm a little tired of being sweet. I'm no longer willing to play nicey-nice with the other kids on the street when they hurt me or my playmates, intentionally or not. I refuse to NOT call attention to the hurt! I think many of us HAVE grown to become women, but I'm tired of having to accept "the way things are done." Who says the board isn't broken? I got the same feeling from this message that I received for several years in the US Military: "Shut up and color." "This is how we've done things for years, and we don't care if you have a better idea or process, this is how it's going to be done." Is this site FOR fixing what is NOT globally perceived as broken? The Patriarchy works for many (men-y?). Should we quit questioning it, also?

Question away, Womyn! Question away!
