Gather the Women Global Matrix From: Jan Saeed
Date: Thursday, March 8, 2007
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March 15th meeting call agenda:

Teleconference Board Meeting March 15th 2pm Eastern Time: Dial in at: 603 310-4838 pin 671

1. Introductions

2. Welcome new board member Susan Cook

3. Update on NAIN Connect 2007: Sharon Clayton and Midge Falconer Call for Papers Registration numbers and Procedures

4. 2007 Budget approval (January to December): Kay Lindahl Include discussion of assisting travel costs incurred by NAIN board members when consulting for member organizations

5. Communications Committee Discussion NAIN News four times per year?

6. Membership renewals: Kay Lindahl 62 current member organizations

7. Scholarships-Sikh and others: Mike Goggin

8. Future NAIN Connects? Susan Cook, Gail Allen