Gather the Women Global Matrix From: Cindie Wilding
Date: Monday, December 29, 2008
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As a Life Coach and Retreat Leader for Women at Midlife, I especially love this time of year. The new year brings so many possibilities and so many women want to step up and make this year be the one that something shifted for them, something changed, something got better. I'm offering a couple of classes locally in my area (nothern California) but I'm also offering a teleclass so anyone can join in. I love Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way and have gotten so much value from working through the book and doing the exercises. If you are like me, you might find it challenging to actually do something like that unless you are doing it as part of a group. Both times I have read through the book and done the exercises with a group. If you have ever wanted to explore your fun and more creative side and see what magic occurs when you do, I would be so excited to have you join me.

Cindie Wilding, Certified Retreat & LIfe Coach