Gather the Women Global Matrix From: Karen Tate
Date: Friday, May 15, 2009
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Hi Sandy, Glad to see another California gal! You ever go to the Goddess Temple in OC? I'm the guest priestess there during the year and will be filling in for Ava in August.

Karen Tate

--- On Fri, May 15, 2009, in msg267944, Sandy Seronick wrote ---

Hi my name is Sandy Seronick, I'm also on facebook :), friend me. I'm in Orange County, Southern California. I've recently joined GTW and look forward to connecting. I am a massage therapist offering spiritual bodywork sessions. I'm also working on my bachelor's in counseling psychology and hope to get my master's in Spiritual Psychology at the University of Santa Monica. My life work is working with women who have experienced emotional, physical and spiritual trauma. Blessings to all women and the men they interact with Sandy
