Evolutionary Women From: Lavonne Rees
Date: Thursday, April 26, 2007
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Good Evening most beautiful women: It's hard to believe our 
hearts have only known of each other for two weeks. It 
seems a life time. I continue my growth daily with more 
Awe'Ha moments then I remember in the recent past. Some 
things I would like to share.

When I spoke of the first group of three and the roles we 
each took on...instead of saying a "speaker,listener and 
witness", I said "seeker,listener and witness". I thought it an 
interesting exchange of words. Would love to hear your 

I have found myself singing more then usual, Thanks for 
opening my voice. What I find interesting is the words I am 
singing. The first week I kept singing only three lines I am 
beautiful,I am magnificent,I am God. It's a wonderful chant. 
Might have someone sung that in my ear? Today that was 
replaced with Do you see what I see? I sure hope 
so....because I believe my eyes are opening to see in myself 
what others see in me. I also believe I can see what is truly 
in ones heart. Do you see what I see, is what I aspire to say 
to each of the souls I touch through first contact. 

I would like to share a few co-creations that I have said 
Awe'ha to this week. Starting with Sunday at the retreat. I 
took a picture of the beautiful tears of rain and I said "I am 
taking the rain back to California with me when I return. We 
so desperately need the waters nourishment". Well you 
guessed it when I returned on Friday I brought the rain.

When we had our phone call this week I said "I wanted to 
hold the spot for males as well as females to co-create". Well 
today I got an email from a male friend of mine who I have 
always felt was a special sound healer. He is part of a group I 
think you might find interesting. I have attached the two 
websites on co-creation take from it what makes your heart 
joyess http://www.ohmfoundation.org/ and 
http://www.journeysforthesoul.com leave the rest.

And one last thing...sorry for the long post. I was not fully 
engaged when we spoke on the phone and yet I had so much 
I wanted to share. So Thank you for letting me share now 
when my heart has had a few days to mend from the loss of 
my sister. This was from yet another male from his New 
Years thoughts that I still have on my daily calender.

Service ~ I will be of service, both to myself and others. 
Being of service is an act of giving and also an act of 
surrender. It is a letting go of the fears and judgments that 
separate me from the truth. Service promotes the realization 
that I am one with all others, and that what I do for others 
comes back to me. The light I give strengthens the light 
everywhere. The healing I offer strengthens healing 
everywhere. The love I share increases love everywhere. In 
2007, I will serve.

Ladies with that I leave a fond farewell until next time our 
pathes shall cross. I hope that to be sooner, rather then 
later:). Remember, co-creation is as small as a thought and 
as large as life.  All you have to do is dream. 

Many Hugs, Blissings of light and joy,
