Evolutionary Women From: Julie Heyman
Date: Tuesday, May 8, 2007
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Dear EW Friends,

I would guess that many of you already know about the beautiful event that is sweeping the world as we speak: Women, standing in groups, or alone, wherever they are at 1pm their local time, for 5 minutes, holding their vision for a better world-- on Mother's Day, May 13th.

The inspiration for this simple and heartfelt expression comes from a short story a woman wrote for her granddaughter. Please read it for yourself, and learn other details about this world-wide event, on www.standingwomen.org

Every day 100 or more locations are being added... and currently over 1900 sites, in 64 countries are registered. I hope each and every one of us will be standing, consciously, at 1pm--wherever we are, this coming Sunday. You can add your location to the list by registering on the Standingwomen.org website.

With love and visions for a better world, Julie