Evolutionary Women From: Jeanie DeRousseau
Date: Saturday, October 13, 2007
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Dear Evolutionary Women:

My heart is so full with the energy of the postings since our gathering last weekend (and Sage and Sarah, your reflections are so confirming!). Syl, the LightPages photo library isn't available yet... but do follow Connie's great "photo album" options for now. We'll be grateful for every picture!

And as our emails call to each other, please know that you may choose whether to receive Bulletin Board postings as emails (surprise packets of Light!), or alternatively, to receive them by logging in to EvWomen's LightPages (and look at all of them clustered together in the loving coherent resonance we are building together). This is LESSON #1 in LightPages protocol: Setting your preferences!

To set your email preferences:
1. Click or enter this link into your browser: www.lightpages.net/lp/welcome.cfm?login=463189
2. Click POST my LightPage and login with your EMAIL ADDRESS and the Password below. (Do not use the username below... it is outdated.)
3. Scroll down the page past the text boxes and your contact information (updating if you wish!) until you reach the section labelled "My Preferences".
4. Under Email subscriptions CHECK, with a click, the box in front of "Receive Bulletin Board Postings as email", if you wish to do so, or UNCHECK it if you wish to login to the Bulletin Board periodically to see what's up. (I recommend that you leave the box checked in front of "Receive Evolutionary Women Newsletters as email" to be sure to receive monthly news and updates from Bonnie and Lucky.)
5. Click "Save my LightPage" at the bottom of the form.

There is a wonderful flow of energy happening here, and I am most grateful for each posting and each Evolutionary Woman coming forward to play in the LightPages. Truly in person and online, we are building the field of deep relationship and trust, so needed in these times.

Bless you, and much love,