Evolutionary Women From: Lavonne Rees
Date: Saturday, October 27, 2007
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Greetings from Southern California. I am once again reminded of the importance of community. Community can be as small as your immeadiate area, to as large as the universe and beyond. I am grateful to witness how much people are willing to come together during times of conflict and tradegy. It brings hope to my heart that we have not forgotten the ways of a slower time when community was conscious of each person and their feelings.

I am grateful for this community and the support it generates for me as I continue to evolve along my path. I feel as if I am evolving so fast these days that as soon as I am focused on one thing it blossums into the next evolution. I can't wait to see the final product/products.

May we all make the time in these Choatic times to take care of ourselves and one another. Have a smile on your face that brings a smile to another. Have a laugh that is infectious and keeps spreading like a wildfire of it's own. Have an open Heart and Arms to reach out to all of those who need a helping hand.

A GREAT BIG BEAUTIFUL HUG TO EACH OF YOU! I will stay Awake with you!
