Evolutionary Women From: Lucky Sweeny
Date: Monday, January 21, 2008
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Hi Everyone,

Here's a reminder about our Book call tomorrow. Please come even if you are just curious, we'd love to hear you on the call.

You are invited to an informational call about the book we are wrting together (see earlier emails for details). The Book Core Group will be there including Christine Closer who in addition to being an Evolutionary Women is President of Love Your Life Publishing.

We will present the details of the process, including a timeline and contact people, and how you can submit a chapter to the book.

We're sorry that this will be in the middle of a work day for some. If you can't make it to the call, but want the information, we are recording it and the replay number is below.

The number for the call tomorrow is:

(616) 597-8000 Access Code: 369669#

To listen to the recording of the call (available until 1/29)

Recording Playback # is

(641) 715-3443 Access Code: 369669#

The next call for questions and discussion will be Tuesday January 29 at 5PM PT and 8PM ET details will be sent later in the week.

Looking forward to hearing you on the call. We are very excited to have this project to cocreate together.


Lucky for

the Concious Choices Book Core Group