Evolutionary Women From: Lucky Sweeny
Date: Friday, May 23, 2008
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Mercury Retrograde and the Summer Astrology Forecast

A Teleclass with Lucky Sweeny, CAP

Thursday May 29 9pm ET/6pm PT

Designed for anyone who knows nothing or something about Astrology

Here it comes again! Mercury will retrograde on May 26 until June 19

What exactly is Mercury Retrograde?

Why do I want to know about it?

How do I use this time to my advantage?

How do I avoid the difficulties?

How often does it happen?

Let’s talk about thriving, not just surviving Mercury Retrograde. You can learn how to best use this time for your benefit and minimize any inconvenience.


Summer 2008 Astrological Patterns What’s up in the Stars for Summer?

This next six months is one of the great opportunities to “get it together.” A good time to create new forms and structures in your life, to organize your finances, and create systems in your life that will support you with greater ease and grace in the future. It will be an easier time to let go of what you don’t need/want anymore and prepare a space for the new to arrive. The major astrological event of the fall, an opposition, two planets exactly opposite each other, of the Old(Saturn) and the New (Uranus). The Saturn/Uranus configuration will be exact ON election day, so buckle your seat belts

To Register: Reply to coachlucky@aol.com or call 410-433-1520

Thursday May 29 9pm ET/ 8 pm CT/ 7 pm MT/ 6 pm PT

The call will be 1 hour.

Cost: $20

The phone number will be sent to your email on Wednesday May 28

Come join me on this unique teleclass on Thursday May 29 at 9P ET/6P PT

PS. Helpful Hints: All Mercury Retro’s are about communication, but this one is especially so because it’s happening in the sign of Gemini. So if you have any concerns/inklings/doubts about an important communication (mail, phone, fax, email) check it out, follow-up, make sure the message was received. Most of the time everything will be fine but, you will thank me the one time your check got lost in the mail or that crucial email did not go through and you caught it.

To Register: Reply to coachlucky@aol.com or call 410-433-1520

About Lucky. I have been practicing and studying astrology for over 35 years. I’ve written monthly columns for publications and appeared on radio and television and hold Professional certification from the International Society of Astrological Research (ISAR). I consult with individuals and couples all over the US and in Europe by phone. Please contact if you are interested in a reading at 410- 433-1520 or coachlucky@aol.com

I am also a professionally trained life coach and offer a unique hybrid called Astro-Coaching which combines the valuable information of your astrology chart with the practical plans and action steps to reach your goals and create the life you desire. I offer a FREE half hour session to explore the benefits for you. Contact me at 410-433-1520 or coachlucky@aol.com