Evolutionary Women From: Constance Hall-Orman
Date: Saturday, August 23, 2008
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Thank you Kenneth,

For your beautiful kind and tender words, and for this I shed a tear; one, two, and three more of them. Even though you are in Israel, you see how connected we truly are. We are not separated by land masses and oceans when our heart strings and mind streams are united and intertwined.

You have always been courageous to share your personal pain and healing process. Please know you are not alone, as I'm going through my own personal pain and healing. Many of us are, and the ones that have completely integrated and left this process are helping us through this process, even if at times this is subjectively so. Glad to know we are together sharing this process. We are getting to know each other, love and light in deeper ways, opening the consciousness to more release, liberation and freedom.

Love has its methods, and one of them is healing. Healing is the process of moving through our pain and arriving on the other side balanced, whole and healed. When this happens, we step into our own gift of healing and become healers.

Starr* mentioned back in postings here about placing your hand on your heart throughout the day, to remind yourself where you are coming from. I've added to this the head; reminding the mind to remain in the light and the heart to remain in love. People might see me doing this behind the wheel of the car, or when I'm riding my bike down the road;-)or wherever. Looks a little tribal ... perhaps the reminder signs for the spiritual warrior. For some reason I like using a closed fist;-)two taps head, two taps heart outta do it.

Thank you, and my appreciation for you and your energy is returned in kind.


--- On Fri, Aug 22, 2008, in msg263721, Kenneth Ruby wrote ---

Hello Constance,

This was a beautiful summary of the purpose of LRIG. Even though I am in Israel, and sometimes in great pain from my sense of inner disconnectedness, I receive hope and encouragement from you; and I hope that I give it back as well.

Although my personal messages might not be able to emphasize all the things that can go right in our lives, as your messages invariably do, I do believe that healing is possible through a sense of sharing our love and caring for one another's health and happiness. I have come a long way in healing from my past traumas, and I have a way to go. I know that my contact with my groups in Israel, my friends in the US, and LRIG has been meaningful; if it were not, I would not feel the motivation to respond.

I want you to know how much I appreciate you and energy. I cry as I type this. The healing process is truly working.

Love, Kenneth

--- On Thu, Aug 21, 2008, in msg263650, Constance Hall-Orman wrote ---

The above picture is a reflection of male and female energies united in love from the physical to the eternal divine flame.


The below is just a reminder as we are approaching the Fall, and fast approaching a year that this group has dedicated their ongoing energy to the divine flow of Love Radiance. And as we are often pulled away in our daily rounds, Ram suggests we meditate in our quiet and inner silence, as we are apexing in our group consciousness.


The Love Radiance Intention Group experience started in November of 2007 with aspired souls to experiment with the power of Love, Radiance, Intention and Experience in a group co-creative process.

Our purpose is unfolding gradually and lovingly through the process of Love Radiance Intention, living our lives fully and infinitely as our interconnectedness builds in the context of: I am That, you are That, He & She is That, We are all That.

Our shared approach is to develop Self-Awareness and Self-Confidence in our LRIG co-creative process and experience. To expand towards experiential interconnectedness and further enhance our group’s realizations of feeling and knowing the divine energy flow.

We use monthly 72 hours experiments through our combined LRIG energy as a base for our integral Self-development, individually and collectively. Participants utilize their own unique ways for divine realizations and share their experiences through participating in authentic dialogue in an on-line Internet environment. As we move further towards our global resonance organically and naturally, we become liberated from time and space constraints.

Our strategy is to authentically move in the direction of group and individual development, and to maintain LRIG's independence and self-sufficiency at the same time help all our members to move in a united direction.

Our vision is to authenticate and dedicate our group realization as the highest and purest potential available to us, which we know to be unlimited. We observe our group’s unfoldment naturally and organically, and Be with this.

The LRIG is an experiment in discovering what happens when a group of committed individuals choose to focus on the intention of radiating love in life without being attached to results. Our understanding is that human beings are made up of vibrational energy that is raised or lowered according to the degree of conscious attunement to our inner Essence/Source/Spirit that resides within.

We experience this Source as Love and when we attune to It we become the channels of love expression. Expressing the Self in the world which we believe has the power to Uplift, Inspire, Heal and Transform the world as a United Whole.

Of the Group, As the Group, As One


A New World is born because of the unvarying collective efforts of this beautiful group of souls, and we acknowledge the good-will or will-to-good in all other groups throughout the whole world. Thank You!


