Evolutionary Women From: Andrea Hylen
Date: Wednesday, September 17, 2008
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Good morning beautiful Evolutionary Women,

Jayne and I have received wonderful feedback with this tele-class and have been asked to do this again.

Read the details below to see if you feel called to join us at this time.


Saint Germain, Archangel Zadkiel, Archangel Michael


SEPTEMBER 24, 2008

9 PM - 10:30 PM EST

Presented by Jayne Howard Feldman and Andrea Hylen

(Registrants will be given telephone number for teleclass) $33 Per Person (Advance Registration Required)

To register mail check for $33 to Jayne Feldman/PO Box 95/Upperco, MD 21155 or paypal Jayne at earthangel4peace@aol.com The Violet Flame of Transmutation is a gift from St. Germain – the Keeper of the Violet Flame energies - to assist our alignment to divine ascension vibration energies and the transmutation of negative feelings and emotions. It is an energy of grace, harmony and transmutation that can be used for healing yourself, your home, with clients and for the planet. You will receive an attunement and activation of the Silver Violet Flame and a level of Master Certification. The energy will be in an essence downloaded into the physical bodies of participants as an energy transference and initiation experience.

Participants in the teleclass will be able to then pass forward to others in person or long distance the Silver Violet Flame energies.

Archangel Michael and Zadkiel and the Ascended Masters are inspiring us to use the Violet Flame of Transmutation to give ourselves additional support energies for the amazing acceleration that’s going on and to help us stay on course in our service in these changing times. The seminar will include information about the Violet Flame and Silver Violet Flame, Ascended Masters and angelic insights on supporting yourself and your highest good in these times of accelerated energies. Archangel Michael refers to the seminar as a capstone experience, i.e. putting the capstone on the pyramid of you. Presenters: Jayne Howard Feldman/Author of Commune With the Angels/Angels By My Side/Driving Under the Influence of Angels



www.CrystalSkullAngels.com Andrea Hylen, Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking and Global Coordinator of Evolutionary Women

Shaklee Health and Wellness – www.shaklee.net/andrea.hylen

Evolutionary Women www.evolutionarywomen.org