Evolutionary Women From: Lucky Sweeny
Date: Thursday, November 12, 2009
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Thanks for the sharing, Jenna. Great to see your post. You are one of the very early responders to Evolutionary Women and have been a supporter over the years.

Andrea, very much so, and I are both interested in how eW can serve and co-create with young women, looking for connection and cross-pollination between the newer consciousness of those raised in the digital age and the consciousness of the post war and older generations.

Please add your insights and wisdom on this when you can.

oxoxo Lucky

--- On Wed, Nov 11, 2009, in msg269232, Jenna Wexler wrote ---

Dear Field of Evolutionary Women,

I attended the first EW conference in Santa Barbara and that event and all of you whom I met that weekend, remain a bright and deep-hearted moment of imaginal beings finding each other so that we can continue our purpose – each of us in our individual ways. Since then, I assisted Andrea in bringing EW to Baltimore … since then, my time and energy has been realigned in another direction. But I remain, energetically and in spirit part of this field.

Over this past year, as I talk to high school and college-aged people and share what it was like for women born in the 50’s, it has become increasingly clear that each of us is an evolutionary “bridge” between what was and what women enjoy now. We ARE the living evolutionary leap – right now!!! For me, it has always felt natural – at some intuitive level I knew I could do and be this even though nothing in my socio-cultural environment provided for this - as Barbara so magnificently conveys that absence of vision and role models in her video. I always feel a sense of immense awe in recognizing myself as living history … and we are still living it forward. So I send a wave of honor and celebration and gratitude to each of you as sister beings on this journey of remembering and re-embodying the divine feminine as a way forward for humanity and our beloved Earth.

I remain incredibly grateful to Barbara, her message, and all that she has done to champion this message into the world.

Love, Jenna Wexler (Maryland)
