Evolutionary Women From: Margaret Schweykowsky
Date: Tuesday, October 5, 2010
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Dear Andrea, these are very powerful suggestions that promise to connect us all on a deeper level. I know the value of becoming a "forest dweller", i.e. separating myself from family, friends and community in order to discover the wisdom within. After many years and trials of error, however, I have found my true passion: that of a healer and therapist. It is difficult sometimes to separate the ego from one's true life purpose, but there is a soul reaction that is a good indicator whether you are on the right path or not. In my case I have been urged by higher powers to apply the wisdom gained from my own life's journey and make it accessible for the benefit of others.(Chapter 23 in the book Conscious Choices) In short, I have converted the KRYTA DEERE Retreat Center into a Holistic Wellness and Healing Center, and shifted its focus to the aspect of Healing through Detoxification of Body Mind and Soul through Whole- Person Treatments. My targeted group are Cancer Patients in Remission, as well as others interested in the prevention of Degenerative Diseases. The shift in the collective consciousness is simply amazing and we have the products and healing modalities available to assist in the process of healing. Let's keep in touch. Margaret Schweykowsky (Kryta Deere)