Evolutionary Women From: Sage Knight
Date: Wednesday, November 17, 2010
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Dearest Marilyn ~

First, you have my compassion...Second, I know that Peace resides in every breath you take, and if at any time you need someone to breathe with you in this Peace, I am here...heart open and filled with love.

Sage 818.999.3464

--- On Tue, Nov 16, 2010, in msg271144, Nadine Miller wrote ---

I Am that All of Bob and Marilyn Clark's Hierarchical needs are Abundantly filled Now and I AM grateful that IS SO! I Am that Bob and Marilyn each come into 100% pristine alignment between their self, their Soul and their individual I AM Self's Divine Plans for this embodiment. So Be It So It IS, Anchor, Lock & Seal I Am.

Deep love and New Earth blessings,
