Evolutionary Women From: Carol Aubrey
Date: Thursday, February 3, 2011
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Since you have sent out an invitation for a response, I will reply.

I read your blog. It takes a lot of courage, discipline, along with impeccable honesty to "tell the truth in the moment", especially when you find yourself in a moment you don't like.

Evictions don't happen overnight. If you don't like the situation you find yourself in, the journey to telling "the truth in the moment" is to take full responsibility for all of it, and look at your choices and perceptions (thinking) that led you to this moment...this moment that you alone have created in your life (probably useful to remind ourselves right now that there are no victims).

I will happily hold the space for you as you begin this journey to telling the truth. ...this journey to finding the thinking that led you to where you are now, the thinking/perceptions that must therefore be changed, i.e. destroyed.

I can offer some insights and tools along the way, and I'm sure many others can to, for you are certainly not the first to jump onto the ship of fools and go for a ride. My favorite traps to avoid: 1) don't blame anyone (that includes not blaming yourself); 2) don't make excuses, instead take full responsibility (you'll feel more powerful); 3)don't judge; 4)don't waste energy feeling like a fool; 5) don't make shit up; 6) don't dream/fantasize - consider dreams and fantasies spiritual cocaine; 6) stay out of the future - it doesn't exist so you have no business being there.

And, on the plus side: 1) stay in the present; that means putting your attention on what is in front of you, without resisting anything that you find - it is what it is; 2) make real-time choices based on what is actually in existence at this very moment - not on what may happen 2 minutes/2 weeks/2 years from now (more spiritual cocaine); 3) believe it or not, the present moment contains everything that you need to know; 4) see this as a golden opportunity to get real; to get authentic, to get a happy life - because that is exactly what it is.

Along the way, if you don't feel pain, you've probably taken the wrong road - the faux road...which can only lead to a faux life. Pain gets a bum rap these days - it's actually a good thing, and you can't journey without it. You also can't journey without a box of tissues, because you'll have to grieve a lot; you'll have to grieve all the starry perceptions and titillating thoughts that led you to this moment.

And finally, and perhaps most importantly, remember that sustainability, practicality, balance and self-care, are essences - very important and beautiful essences - that we all must have as the foundation before we build the life we long for and give the gifts we came here to give.

Wishing you patience on your way, and thanks for the sharing of your ride.

Carol Aubrey

--- On Thu, Feb 3, 2011, in msg271481, Andrea Hylen wrote ---

Yesterday, I wrote a blog and shared a place of vulnerability. The guidance came that it was time to share challenges and to allow women, men and children to hold each other in prayer, sacred space and infinite possibilities.

So, here it is. The honoring of the process...


Blessings dear Sisters, Andrea
