Evolutionary Women From: Jean Molina
Date: Friday, February 4, 2011
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I am holding you within my heart and flowing the divine love that is within me to join with the divine love within you ... holding you and your wise daughter, supporting the emergance of ease.. And know, you, Andrea, are amazing.. and I, for one, am so very grateful for your vulnerability - thank you for being so Big that you willing to experience this huge huge challange - for us all - you are a map maker.... fiercely loveing you, jean

--- On Thu, Feb 3, 2011, in msg271490, Andrea Hylen wrote ---

Thank you for all of the prayers and ideas and information. I feel your prayers and love and am opening to guidance for the next steps. Continuing to work and opening to receiving the money earlier than later.

Blessings to you all. Will update as I have more information.

In gratitude, Andrea

--- On Thu, Feb 3, 2011, in msg271488, Rhonda Hull wrote ---

I, too, hold a circle of prayer and clarity around you and join Jeanie and all in fierce and compassionate love.


--- On Thu, Feb 3, 2011, in msg271483, Jeanie DeRousseau wrote ---

Yo, Sister...

I'm in Florida, can't do anything on the physical planes, but I am commanding what I can command on the inner planes. Forces of Light, handle this Sister's situation!!! Surround Andrea Hylen and everyone she is in conversation with and everyone that can impact this outcome. Whisper right action into everyone's ear. Enough is enough!!! Martial the new energies to nuance the old so that she may remain in her physical home space. AND SO IT IS!!!

With fierce love, Jeanie

P.S. Calling all Evolutionary Women to join me in this!

--- On Thu, Feb 3, 2011, in msg271481, Andrea Hylen wrote ---

Yesterday, I wrote a blog and shared a place of vulnerability. The guidance came that it was time to share challenges and to allow women, men and children to hold each other in prayer, sacred space and infinite possibilities.

So, here it is. The honoring of the process...


Blessings dear Sisters, Andrea



