Evolutionary Women From: Barbara Hubbard
Date: Thursday, March 17, 2011
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Beloved Evolutionary Women,

I am thrilled to be able to invite you to participate in the next step in our work together to launch the worldview of Conscious Evolution into the world. I so appreciate all the work that you have done to build the field over these years and am eager to share with you what is happening and invite you to take your part in it.

As so many of you know, I have intuited all these years that "our crisis is a birth..." potentially; that we are called to "gentle" the birth toward a planetary culture, or undergo even worse catastrophes. It has always seemed to me that an actual Planetary Birthing Experience, celebrating what is working, loving and innovative is vital to our emergence now. Finally, the time has come. I am working with Stephen Dinan of the Shift Network to celebrate this process. The Shift Network is convening, "Birth 2012: Co-Creating the Planetary Shift." It will be a celebration of what is working to create a new civilization. Please join me this Tuesday, March 22 at 5:30pm (Pacific) for this Activation Day call. This will be a free teleseminar calling people to participate in this seminal event.

And even if you can’t make the live event, do register, as The Shift Network will send you the recording AND you’ll be letting them know that you want to be part of the collaborations that emerge. Let’s mobilize our collective creativity and energy into something truly spectacular.

I hope you will join me and find out how to work together with a global community of pioneering souls to contribute to "Day One," making visible the emergence of the next era of evolution.

Love and blessings always,


To find out more and to register go to: https://shiftnetwork.infusionsoft.com/go/2012a/FCE/